Droidhen Poker Honor

Droidhen poker honor board

DroidHen strikes back with an enhanced version of Defender. New features, monsters and spells that will hook you up. Lava Moat, Magic Tower that provides mana, improve City Wall to increase health point, Fatal Blow and many more power-ups and spells. You can play local mode to defeat waves of monsters or Battle mode to compete with an opponent: the one who stays longer is the winner.

Download dh texas poker old versions android apk or update to dh texas poker latest version. Review dh texas poker release date, changelog and more. This page contains cheats for dh texas poker organized by sections for android. This game has 'gambling' as genre, made by droidhen, released on aug 25, 2013.

Halfaway of tower defense and Dragon Hunter, Defender's about a young archer who has to protect an entire castle of overwhelming hordes of monsters.

Droidhen Poker HonorDh texas poker honor

Luckily, you have a quiver with an inexhaustible amount of arrows and you learnt some spells somewhere, so you can cast wonderfulish magic upon your endless enemies. In the end, Defender is a survival game: the more you stand, more points you get. Between waves you can -must, in fact- upgrade your skills and your castle. There's an achievement gallery called 'honor'. Have in mind that every wave lasts for about two minutes, so this game can be a perfect time waster for short train trips or even for annoying programme breaks.

  1. Need help I have no way emailing dh poker. I paid 100 dollars and within a week 600 million chips gone. DroidHen from China Zhejiang University. #8 mikedt, Mar 11.
  2. DroidHen General Information Description. Developer of video games for mobile devices. The company develops video games based on the android operating system which include the Defender series, iRunner, RacingMoto and Dinosaur War.

Droidhen Poker Honor Roll

Droidhen poker honor society

Droidhen Poker Honor Society

Every time you tap on the screen, arrows will be shot. To shot a continuous burst of shots you can slide your finger. If you want to cast a spell, just drag its icon to the battle field. In other words, an easy to play game that gets more difficult as you improve your character. Nice graphics, functional sound, adequate music and well measured gameplay. Fun for a while, if only for the urge to see what monster comes next. Bosses are a great addition, showing up every ten levels. DroidHen games have that thing, their average quality is above standards. Defender mayn't be their best game so far anyway, give it a go, you won't regret.